New EFPA® Consultant at Shaw HR Consulting

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Shaw HR Consulting Adds Matthew McSorley to EFPA® Team

Essential Functions Position Analysis® (EFPA) – The Key to Documenting Physical, Mental & Emotional Demands of a Job

Shaw HR Consulting is excited to announce the addition of a new consultant to the EFPA team, Matthew McSorley.  Matthew has worked on special projects for the company for four years, and now joins the team as a full-time EFPA consultant.  A service-retired Fire Captain from Anchorage, Alaska, he has extensive labor relations and occupational evaluation experience, making him an ideal addition to our EFPA team.

The Shaw HR Consulting EFPA is a document that can be used by employers during the disability interactive process, and to ensure that applicants and employees, as well as workers’ compensation providers, have a full and complete understanding of the traditional physical, mental and emotional demands of any given position classification.  An EFPA is not written for an individual, but rather all employees in a specific classification or position.

To create a comprehensive position analysis, our consultants meet with incumbents in the position, as well as supervisors and/or managers of the position.  We then draft a document for all participants to review and complete revisions as necessary to ensure that the document is accurate and complete.  Single EFPA documents can be created one at t time, or a group of documents can be commissioned. By creating an “EFPA Bank” and completing multiple documents at one time, clients will save time and money growing their database of these important documents.

Our EFPA document does not replace the existing union-negotiated job description, if one exists.  Rather, it sits alongside the position description and answers questions that a position description typically does not include.  The position analyses are typically “good” for approximately 10 years and only need to be re-written if the position changes significantly.  Our analyses are written in a manner to allow for minor edits to the document, and when there are simple language changes over time.

For more information on EFPA development or to speak with a consultant to develop and prioritize your list of position analyses to be drafted call (805) 498-9400, ext. 3, visit, or email

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